Map 3, 35 feet down.
1) spiral stairs going down to next level.
ghoul armed with sword.2) 30’ × 20’ × 10’ torch on door into room.
2 bugbears armed with clubs 3gp each 1 bugbear armed with a spear. 4 gp3) 30’ × 60’ × 10’
9 giant rats marching back and forth in formation. 2 barrels. One contains clean water, the other contains apricots.4) 50’ × 30’ × 10’
9 skeletons armed with swords. torch on far wall.5) 10’ × 20’ × 10’
1 bugbear armed with spear that would like to get out of there. 5 gp, 10 spMap 3: 15.1 gp equivalent