wandering monsters for the adventure:
( charts )
Inside Trillolara:
01-15 adventurers
16-40 farmers
41-60 merchants
61-75 travellers
76-85 Border Watch, cavalry
86-96 Border Watch, infantry
97-98 walking company, elves
99-00 walking company, dwarves
near the border:
01-35 adventurers
36-40 farmers
41-60 merchants headed to Lonesome Keep or to Fondfield
(roll again in winter)
61-85 Border Watch, cavalry
86-00 Border Watch, infantry
Less than a 1% chance of noticing any walking companies near the border.
The Great Open near Trillolara:
01-03 Green Messenger Guild
04-20 merchants
21-30 herd animals; antelope. Possibly coyotes and wolves nearby.
31-50 herd animals; buffalo. Possibly coyotes and wolves nearby.
51-98 animals; select from the list:
99-00 blink dogs, or brown bear
animals list: butterflies, eagles, falcons, geese, grasshoppers and crickets, millipedes, mockingbirds, moles, owls, plains snakes, quail, robins, small spiders, toads. ( Some results are seasonal)
Less than 1% chance of hunters being in The Great Open unless near the border.
The Great Open between Trillolara and Lonesome Keep:
01-02 Green Messenger Guild
03-15 merchants
16-30 herd animals; antelope. Possibly coyotes and wolves nearby.
31-45 herd animals; buffalo. Possibly coyotes and wolves nearby.
46-98 animals; select from the list:
99-00 blink dogs, or brown bear
animals list: butterflies, eagles, falcons, geese, grasshoppers and crickets, millipedes, mockingbirds, moles, owls, plains snakes, quail, robins, small spiders, toads. ( Some results are seasonal)
Lonesome Keep area:
01-02 Green Messenger Guild
03-15 merchants
16-30 group of 5 orcs
31-40 group of 5 orcs and 1 ogre
41-45 group of 3 bugbears
46-98 a small nervous patrol from the keep
99-00 wolves, or plains snakes, or small spiders
By ‘small nervous patrol’ I mean they are very likely, 75 perchent chance, to fire bows first, then ask who you are.
The Green Messenger Guild are basically a group of NPCs that travel anywhere to deliver a message. Base price is 1,000 gp, paid in advance. Such is their reputation that even intelligent evil monsters wont bother them. Ocean travel adds a base 1,000 gp to the total.
Between Lonesome Keep and the Mountains of Death:
01-02 undead: 2 skeletons
03-04 undead: 2 ghouls
05-15 nothing, but the wind
16-30 herd animals; antelope. Possibly coyotes and wolves nearby.
31-45 herd animals; buffalo. Possibly coyotes and wolves nearby.
46-98 animals; select from the list:
99-00 blink dogs, or brown bear
animals list: butterflies, eagles, falcons, geese, grasshoppers and crickets, millipedes, mockingbirds, moles, owls, plains snakes, quail, robins, small spiders, toads. ( Some results are seasonal)
Near the 3 keeps on The Great Open:
01-05 2 skeletons
06-80 animals; select from the list:
81-00 nothing, but the wind
animals list: butterflies, eagles, falcons, geese, grasshoppers and crickets, millipedes, mockingbirds, moles, owls, plains snakes, quail, robins, small spiders, toads. ( Some results are seasonal)
The Mountains of Death:
01-02 eagles
03-04 falcons
05-06 geese
07-08 ducks
09-10 2 skeletons
11-80 nothing but the wind
81-85 4 orcs
86-87 1 great owl
88-89 1 brown bear
90-00 nothing but the wind ( at night: ghostly noises)
( chains rattling, bones ratling through leaves or brush, etc)
near the ruins of Castle Zhestal:
near the ruins of Castle Chastella: