Included in the files are the bitmap fills, a readme text file & a replacement Template for the DD3 dungeon.fct (the Wizard template) This replacement template adds all of the fill styles & as a bonus it also fixes the printing issue.
from the mailing list: per Ralf Schemmann: Just a little caveat to other users: The download includes a template that replaces the standard DD3 Dungeon wizard template. For compatibility reasons and so that any future official updates don’t overwrite Linda’s template, I’d recommend that you don’t overwrite the existing “DD3 Dungeon.fct” with this new file. Better extract it somewhere else, rename it and copy it to the /Templates/Dungeons/ folder. If you want to create a wizard template from the renamed version, you can do that. Check the help file entry on “New Drawing Wizard Templates” for instructions.
from Linda: There aren’t any restrictions on these fill styles, but, please don’t repackage them & sell them.
These files are Linda Kekumu’s Campaign Cartographer’s dungeon fill styles. You need Campaign Cartographer 3 and Dungeon Designer 3 to use them.
from Linda: Please read the readme.txt (or copy & post it) as I’ve explained how to install manually, but I did zip it with the path option, so hopefully people will get the stuff in the right places. Included are all of the files necessary to make this work properly as a Wizard.
The revised and additional files have been added to the 64 meg zip file.
bitmap fills, read me, etc. 64 megabytes
These files have not been added to the 64 meg zip file.
Tan Tiles zip. 2 megabytes