Typical Kobold info, except they are at -1 to hit in direct sunlight. In kobold form they act very frightened of the darkness.
These kobold werewolves are very very rare. They are at 2% chance to show up instead of regular kobolds. Only 6 to 20 will show.
When they change into werewolves, they become AC 1. 15” move, 4+3 HD (2-8 HP). Can only be hit by magic or silver weapons.
Have same chances to inflict lycanthropy as regular werewolves.
Attack in werewolf form is claw 1d4 /claw 1d4 /bite 1d6.
See the 1e Monster Manual for further details on werewolf and kobold.
Frequency: Uncommon/Rare outside this area
Number: 20-100 in each pack
Move: 6”/10”
Hit Dice: 1 HD – 2 (range is 1 hp to 6 hp)
Percent in lair: 75%
Treasure Type: None, unless a victim had some.
Number of Attacks: 1
Damage per Attack: 1d4-1 hp (range 1-3 hp)
Magic Resistance: None
Intelligence: low
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Size: S
Psionic Ability: none
They look like small lizards with a leathery ruff behind their heads along their backs. If they can run for 30’-50’, they can hop then fly for as much as 60’. They usually travel in packs. They don’t attempt flight on windy days. Any wind over 10 miles per hour can break their wings. They wont travel outside these two remnants of Krini Forest as they fear The Wild
They are not related to dragons.