Mad Rock Links
Room 3 is where the characters arrive from Mad Rock. While there is a spiral stairs in room 4, I may or may not add another level.
1) 50’ × 50’ 6 skeletons
2) 80’ × 90’ A) rocks, could be a small amount of silver and copper coins under them. Total less than 20 sp value. B) Rock in center covers a hole. In the hole is a small bag of 100 gold coins. C) Mold that waves a bit, but has no attack. D) Poisonous mushrooms. SR vs Poison if a character eats some at +1 to save.
3) 80’ × 50’ arrival area 1d6 for each green chair. A result of 1, its green slime. The four cupboards are mostly empty, but might contain fresh food. 75% chance. The three wooden chairs, safe to sit in. The green banquet table has spoiled food magicked to look like good eating.
4) 80’ circle. Two stone slabs, statue in front of them. Two lit campfires. Spiral stairs going down.
5) 190’ × 80’ Five giant beetles. Three have their own trash pile. Human skeleton near rubbish, top of map.
6) 80’ × 50’ Human footsteps lead to secret door on North wall. Rubbish pile. Nothing worth any money.
7) 50’ × 70’ Two zombies, one in each cage. The cages are flimsy and they will attack anyone that comes within 15’.
8) 60’ × 40’ two patches of ordinary mold. Under one is a long sword +1 and a foot mace +1
9) 60’ × 60’ A ragged hole/pit. The mosaic is worth 365 gp if taken to a town. Broken up, worth 55 gp.
10) 40’ × 30’ Three zombies and some ordinary mold. No treasure.
11) 60’ × 50’ 4 skeletons guarding 2 doors in the room. No treasure.
12) 30’ × 140’ empty
13) 50’ × 40’ Treasure room. Chest 1) 250 sp, ring of Warmth; Chest 2) 650 sp, Potion Healing ( 2 ); Chest 3) 250 cp 75 gp; barrel contains fresh clean water; small pile of coins and bags: 150 cp, 90 sp, 50 ep, 36 gp. Two bags contain seven 15 gp gems each, one bag contains 45 pp, and three gems 100 gp value each.
14) odd-shaped. Dirty water in a pit. A) Three skeletons B) Four skeletons C) water pit. D) empty E) empty.
15) 60’ × 40’ Three bugbears, spears. They are hiding behind barrels. A few coins near the door to attract the attention of inattentative adventurers. About 30 sp worth.
16) 50’ × 40’ two burned out campfires. A pick is on the floor.